Thursday, February 14, 2008


Sophie is four months old today. In some ways the time has gone by so quickly and in others it feels like it has been forever. I can't remember life without her. I mean, of course, I can remember it,
but I forget what it was like to just run out of the house, or even from floor to floor without thinking about how and what she was doing. Or what it was like to sleep through the night. Ah, those halcyon days of sleeping late.

We transitioned her to her crib nearly two weeks ago and it went as well as I could possibly have hoped. As I was changing her into her nightclothes that night, we had a little talk and I told her how she couldn't sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room anymore, that she was a big girl now and had to sleep in her own room. She was very serious and didn't say much as I cried a little. I tear up now thinking about it. She went right to sleep after I put her in her crib. I have to admit, a tiny part of me wanted her to be unhappy, wanted her to miss having her mommy right next to her. The bigger part of me was so very happy, though, that the transition had been so smooth.

I do watch her a lot, on the little video baby monitor (thanks Mammom!) as she sleeps in her crib. Sometimes when we're laying down for the night, Neil and I will sit and watch her on that little screen, waiting for her to move or twitch or something. No more Leno or Letterman, it's all SophieTV these days. Not to mention the fact that we're in bed by 9:30. Pretty pathetic.


Anonymous said...

Ilove the web site!!
she is too cute

Erica said...

I am so glad to see you also have a blog and I can see Sophie grow! I too am not sure how life was before the kids! They definitely change your life in so many wonderful ways!! I also have one of those great monitors and watch AddieTV!! They make you feel so much better when the babies are sleeping in a different room than you! Have a great Vday and keep the post coming!!

The Blevins Family